Friday, July 16, 2010

Side Game 3 - Ideas

The third side game is a vision test of sorts. I am attempting here to go beyond the paper test and present an opportunity for a gamer to test their reflexes and reaction times. I would like the gamer to undergo several experiences such as: obstacles running into the street at random intervals forcing the gamer to stop or slow down, a swerving maneuvering game for poor weather conditions (counter steering) and  a following too closely game where the gamer must slow down or speed up to stay at a safe distance from the vehicle ahead of them. Currently we are discussing these concepts and will start the technical preparations on a later date.

New Developments

So I went to our meeting yesterday and Fishy and I presented the parts of our game that we had developed thus far. I really enjoyed seeing the different games that were presented and to tell you the truth, it gave me ideas on what to do with my game as well. Just the possibilities...but the technical limitations sometimes inhibit these possibilities....need more research and brainstorming here.

There was a lot of feedback that really jump started the next stage of development: the second side game. Here we are presenting a tornado but this animation might change or have more animation added to it. It is still in concept mode but soon will be ironed out. The content of this game emulates the paper test, giving the gamer the opportunity to pre-take the test.

Some ideas that were presented at this meeting regarding this side game were: to standardize the questions, therefore testing the gamer's level and not just score and to perhaps give this side game as an end game, so choice is taken away but the reward comes from the last game. These are great ideas. I'm going to use the standardizing idea but the end game one can be decided upon on a later date.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Second Wind!

So for a few weeks in June, it was slow, but now I have my second wind! Currently I am working on another side game which is very exciting. I am working on a 3D game now which entails content very much like the paper test. The gamer will be given 30 questions of which 25 must be answered correctly to successfully complete the side game. I am hoping to have this second side game ready to go for the next meeting.

After this side game is finished, I have one more side game to program and the opening and closing sequences of the game to be designed and implemented into the game. At this point, the game will be ready for focus groups. Very exciting!!


Since June 4, I have been working slowly and painstakingly on a side game. It has been slow and sometimes boring waiting on certain aspects to fall into place. I never thought the work would plateau for a while but I guess it happens at times. :(